TRB to INR Converter

How much Indian Rupee ( INR) is 0.184 Tellor Tributes ( TRB)?


Tellor Tributes



Indian Rupee


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How does it work?

The Morpher currency calculator allows you to convert a currency from Tellor Tributes (TRB) to Indian Rupee (INR) in just a few clicks at live exchange rates.
Simply enter the amount of Tellor Tributes you wish to convert to INR and the conversion amount automatically populates. You can also use our Prices Calculator Table to calculate how much your currency is worth in other denomination, i.e. 1 TRB, 5 TRB, 10 TRB, 50 TRB etc.

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Quick facts about Tellor Tributes

Smart contracts on Ethereum are fully self contained and any information or access to off-chain data is restricted.

Tellor solves this problem by creating a system where parties can request the value of an off-chain data point (e.g.

ETH/USD) and miners compete to add this value to an on-chain data bank, accessible by all Ethereum smart contracts.

Inputs to a data series are secured by a network of staked miners.

The main Tellor smart contract creates a time series of each requested data series and aims to become the standard source of high value data for decentralized applications.

This oracle, “Tellor”, utilizes similar incentive mechanisms to other cryptocurrency systems through the issuance of Tellor’s token, Tributes, that are used to request a particular data series from miners.

TRB Price Chart

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TRB to INR price stats

3.96% up
-4.18% up
-8.37% up
Over the past 30 days, Tellor Tributes has dropped -8.37% to INR. The trend and price charts for the past week shows that TRB has dropped -4.18% to INR and over the past 24 hours, TRB has gained 3.96% to INR.
0.5 2,722.585
1 5,445.17
5 27,225.85
10 54,451.7
50 272,258.5
100 544,517
500 2,722,585
1000 5,445,170
0.5 2,722.585
1 5,445.17
5 27,225.85
10 54,451.7
50 272,258.5
100 544,517
500 2,722,585
1000 5,445,170